
S02E6: Not The Name Of This Podcast

Supergirl (S02E03) is continuing the tone shift of it’s post CW move by really doubling down on racial allegories with aliens and we are all in. Plus, Linda Carter, come on! Over on The Flash (S03E04) they continue the trend of a villain of the week kind of showing up yet all we care about is the delightful main cast and their feelings! Speaking of ‘whatever’ villains, we have no cares to give about Church in Arrow (S05E04) but we’re happy that Oliver’s taking a moral stand again. Legends of Tomorrow (S02E03)shows that teamwork is kiiiind of important if you’re fooling around with time and Ray really steps it up. Last but not least, Agents of SHIELD (S04E04)continues to be as on fire as Ronnie’s head this season and we’re still perplexed in the huge jump of our love toward it.

And remember, Doctor Strange is out this week so head on over to your local theater if you like that sort of thing!

Written by Kenneth

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