
Episode 183: The Space Museum OR The Sort of Silence You Can Almost Hear

This was undoubtedly the story in which Barbara encapsulated all of Doctor Who for all time: “All the Doors and Corridors are Exactly Alike.” Indeed they do! But this week John & Taylor took a tour of THE SPACE MUSEUM! They were impressed by its high concept and how the story kept you guessing well into Act 4 if our TARDIS crew were changing history or stuck being part of it. Join us as we grab a pamphlet from the front desk and make our way through The Space Museum!!

Jodie Recorded a Supportive Message as The Doctor and Darnit We’re All Emotional Now
Chibnall has written The First Thoughts of the 13th Doctor
RTD wrote a prequel to Rose in 2013 and no one saw it until now!
RTD has released a sequel to Rose!

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Written by Taylor

Episode 229: CODY is a Giant Nerd

Episode 29: Nickelodeon Part 2 OR Everyone Married Ben Stiller